BAppSc (Physio), MBBS, FANZCA
Areas of Specialisation
Anaesthesia for Vascular, General and Gastroenterology
Professional Biography
After several years practising as a physiotherapist in Wollongong NSW and then Toowoomba Qld, Paul returned to study medicine at the University of Queensland.
After his internship he spent 2 years at both Hervey Bay and Kingaroy hospitals whilst bonded rurally, and in the process completed rural GP Anaesthetic training with the Joint Consultative Committee on Anaesthesia (JCCA) and covered anaesthetics at Kingaroy hospital.
At the completion of bonded time, Paul entered training with the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA). He currently works both publicly and privately on the Sunshine Coast and is employed as a Staff Specialist Anaesthetist with the Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service as well as being a member of the CAP group.
Other interests
Enjoys cycling and surfing when finding the time.