Australia is one of the safest places in the world to have an Anaesthetic.
There are risks and complications associated with every procedure and these will be explained to you prior to surgery.
Risks & Complications Associated with Surgical Procedures
Some patients are at increased risk of complications because of their own health problems e.g. heart disease, obesity or diabetes OR because of the type of surgery they are undergoing.
INFREQUENT complications include:
- Bruising, pain or injury at the site of injections
- Muscle pains
- Asthmatic reactions
- Temporary nerve damage
- Damage to teeth or dental work
- Lip or tongue injury
Serious complications are rare. If you would like to know more about these uncommon complications, please discuss these with your Anaesthetist.
You can also find more information about the risks and complications associated with anaesthesia on the ANZCA website.
Please tell your anaesthetist about any particular health issues that may impact on your anaesthetic.